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Media Center

Photo of chairs with library book shelves in background, plant in foground.

Access SBES' Destiny Discover Online Catalog OCS Media Center\Research Portal - Onslow County Schools

Sign up for a Virtual Public Library Card (LEAP Pass)! Access NC Digital Public Library for Kids, Tumblebooks, Hoopla, and more!  Library Electronic Access Program (LEAP) | Onslow County, NC (  *You just need your child's Student Number*

Developing Digital Detectives

Book CalendarLook for these books in our Library, check them out Today!

SBES Media Center works to build a collection of books, technology, and eResources that help support the curiosity and the intellectual growth of our students in order to foster a love of learning. We have one Media Coordinator, one volunteer that comes in weekly (as well as many on-hand when we need them), and a collection of almost 11,000 books and media (an average of about 18 per student). Our Media Center is home to our Digital Facilitator, our Technician, our Social Worker, and our Counselor. Throughout the day, we operate flexible open circulation, large classes, as well as small groups and Maker's Space times.